
Showing posts from January, 2022

Blog Journal #4 🙂

 Hello again!     I chose to examine the 11-12th grade ELA technological literacy standards, as that is what I would like to teach when I become a full-time service teacher. The standard I specifically looked at was  2 LAFS.1112.W.3.8, which aligns itself best with an English classroom. This standard references a student's ability to find, analyze, and employ sources in a manner that effectively supports their works and does not violate plagiarism rules. Search engines and websites such as EasyBib and ERIC are mentioned as helpful resources to achieve a high level of success in this standard. I feel that - in my own classroom - a lesson on how to complete tasks using these resources would be vital prior to beginning a research essay or any research-based writing. I was given a lesson similar to this one by my high school librarian when I was in ninth grade. I feel qualified and prepared to teach my students about these skills and assist them when (or if) they may nee...

Blog Journal #3 Participation Portfolio Item

"pride and prejudice"  by  Apostolos Letov  is licensed under  Some rights reserved

Blog Journal #3 ✨

Welcome back!     In my opinion, copyright and fair use are terms that are commonly thrown around in conversation, but there is so much more to them than most people know. I remember watching YouTube videos as a child about the struggle with fair use and copyright for creators on that platform, but I honestly did not even consider it as a problem for normal people. Now I know that copyright is a means by which content creators can protect their work, and others can rely on it for respecting those creators. I also know now that fair use is a set of rules which allows educators and those who are creating educational content to include copyrighted work in their material, to a certain extent - a fair amount. In terms of my classroom, I think that creating our own material (both my students and myself) is highly valuable in multiple ways. We can use our own creativity to avoid copyright issues for the most part. For the elements which other creators' works are necessary, the accred...

Blog Journal #2 🥳

Hi again!      I took a computer class once upon a time in elementary school where we all learned how to type and use various MS apps. I have been familiar with Word for about 10 years now. I have written many essays requiring tables and other special formatting styles, so I am also familiar with those. Personally, though, I would rather use GoogleDocs. There are multiple reasons for this, one being the compatibility in using it to share documents with anyone and work on the same content. Another is the fact that Google Drive allows me to create files and organize all my documents efficiently. Overall, it just seems to fit better for me!     Out of all the ISTE standards I want to focus on the Leader. This standard discusses teacher advocacy for technology in their classrooms and for their students in K-12 settings. The specific phrasing that I appreciated was the teacher's role in supporting "student empowerment and success" through this advocacy. That is an im...

Blog Journal #1!

 Hello!     My name is Emma and I'm in my second semester at Florida State University! I am originally from New England but currently live with my family in a small town in Tampa Bay. I am, academically, a sophomore in the English Education major and intend to finish my four years here with my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. When I graduate I would like to teach the higher levels of English in high school. As for right now, I can be seen either reading or watching Teen Wolf somewhere on campus (and I am usually easy to spot because I have purple hair)!     Growing up in the age of increasing technologies in the classroom, I have always experienced technology in school. I have also held multiple leadership roles in recent (high school) classroom settings. I have learned how to use Zoom as a student and teacher, create and play learning games (i.e. Kahoot and Quizlet), and include SmartBoards in lessons. At FSU - thus far - I have used media such as Twitter, Flip...