Blog Journal 8★


    So I really enjoyed this website designing activity. It is quite fun, and I am familiar with the Weebly structure since I have previously made and edited websites using the tool. It was a good opportunity to express some creative liberties in relation to classwork, too. Figuring out how to input the calendar and insert pictures with correct licensing was also nice because it felt like skills I had developed in this class were finally actuating in a professional manner. I have had a lot of teachers who have Weebly websites and depending on the virtual nature of classrooms when I begin to teach I may too. However, I think with websites like Canvas, the same skills may be utilized. Either way, I would like to employ something along the lines of a class website when I begin to teach.

My Website Link:

    I appreciate Diigo's versatility and fluidity throughout multiple different sites. I liked learning about annotations anywhere online and bookmarking for my own research and further analysis. Learning how to post things like sticky notes and annotations to a group makes collaboration on source analysis so much easier. I think this would be a highly beneficial tool to a classroom or even staff work within a school. Being able to collaborate and discuss online resources and annotate those sites is incredibly helpful. I would definitely be open to using it in a classroom of my own.

    Education Technology Insights is a website devoted solely to articles regarding updates on educational technology. I looked through the recent articles posted and they are all highly relevant and informed about the state of digital education today. The authors of the works range from digital strategists and technology innovators to educators of all varieties - all of whom have been educated on their discussion points. As a teacher required to stay updated about what is going on in the virtual world, this website is a huge benefit.


  1. Hey! I really liked your website. I think if everything was linked on the top of the homepage, information would be easier to find. The contrast was good, everything was aligned properly, and it was not repetitive. :)

  2. Hi! I really liked the layout of your website. I thought it was really cohesive and everything was aligned well. The yellow background created a lot of contrast, which helped make your website more engaging.

  3. Hello, your website was very visually appealing. There was a lot of contrast and the design was aligned very well and the repetition was nice and made the website look more cohesive. I o wish there was a little more to the design however, great job.


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