
Blog Journal #9 🤓

 Hey!     Being a distance learner, especially in a K-12 setting, was such an odd experience. My first encounter with distance learning involved a harsh transition into it but ended up benefiting myself as a student in the end. This semester, though, the distance learning was intentional and preplanned. I actually really enjoyed this class' modality. Working at my own pace is something very helpful to me because I tend to vary in activities on a weekly basis, which can be impacted by my classes. Having the resources to work well and be supported in my individual work endeavors. The major thing I didn't really like in comparison to the rest of my classes was the personal connections you can make with classmates and teachers when in person. However, I feel like I have still been able to develop relationships within this class! As a teacher in the future, I think I would like to have some extra-curricular Zoom meetings or something interactive. Providing opportunities for my...

Blog Journal 8★

 Hey!     So I really enjoyed this website designing activity. It is quite fun, and I am familiar with the Weebly structure since I have previously made and edited websites using the tool. It was a good opportunity to express some creative liberties in relation to classwork, too. Figuring out how to input the calendar and insert pictures with correct licensing was also nice because it felt like skills I had developed in this class were finally actuating in a professional manner. I have had a lot of teachers who have Weebly websites and depending on the virtual nature of classrooms when I begin to teach I may too. However, I think with websites like Canvas, the same skills may be utilized. Either way, I would like to employ something along the lines of a class website when I begin to teach. My Website Link:     I appreciate Diigo's versatility and fluidity throughout multiple different sites. I liked learning about annotations an...

Blog Journal #7 🖥

 Welcome back!     School websites are a vital resource to the students and parents within any district. However, the practice of individual teacher pages holding class information is not something familiar to me. My high school did not have this and still does not, on its website. Looking at the Leon High School website, there is a lot more class information than I expected. I specifically pulled up Mercedes Holly's Spanish I and II class website. She has posted the syllabus, notes, a calendar, and more for the visitors of her site. I also looked at Marcia Cone's Algebra I class website, which has not been updated since 2015. There were no resources readily available for visitors to the site. The difference between the two pages was astonishing. Overall, I believe that websites like Holly's can prove very helpful to parents and students, as long as they are updated and are not the only space for class resources.  Mercedes Holly's site:

Blog Journal #6 🕶

 Hi!!      My experience with Diigo was largely positive. It is a very accessible software that I had no problems learning to use and actually employing. Being able to share websites and articles and other media with a group of peers is very valuable to academics and teachers. The only thing I would argue that is somewhat challenging is the layout. It is not very streamlined, however it is fairly easy to view. Overall, I would continue using Diigo and even employ it within a classroom of my own.     I thoroughly enjoy blogging. I, personally, feel that a moderately informal space that allows for the sharing of thoughts with other like-minded people is very beneficial to a class space. I think that both the process and the software is very well established for students. Having prompts and using Blogger makes it very easy and enjoyable to complete the blogging assignments. I have learned that by putting my thoughts into words, I can understand what I want to ...

Blog Journal #4 🙂

 Hello again!     I chose to examine the 11-12th grade ELA technological literacy standards, as that is what I would like to teach when I become a full-time service teacher. The standard I specifically looked at was  2 LAFS.1112.W.3.8, which aligns itself best with an English classroom. This standard references a student's ability to find, analyze, and employ sources in a manner that effectively supports their works and does not violate plagiarism rules. Search engines and websites such as EasyBib and ERIC are mentioned as helpful resources to achieve a high level of success in this standard. I feel that - in my own classroom - a lesson on how to complete tasks using these resources would be vital prior to beginning a research essay or any research-based writing. I was given a lesson similar to this one by my high school librarian when I was in ninth grade. I feel qualified and prepared to teach my students about these skills and assist them when (or if) they may nee...

Blog Journal #3 Participation Portfolio Item

"pride and prejudice"  by  Apostolos Letov  is licensed under  Some rights reserved

Blog Journal #3 ✨

Welcome back!     In my opinion, copyright and fair use are terms that are commonly thrown around in conversation, but there is so much more to them than most people know. I remember watching YouTube videos as a child about the struggle with fair use and copyright for creators on that platform, but I honestly did not even consider it as a problem for normal people. Now I know that copyright is a means by which content creators can protect their work, and others can rely on it for respecting those creators. I also know now that fair use is a set of rules which allows educators and those who are creating educational content to include copyrighted work in their material, to a certain extent - a fair amount. In terms of my classroom, I think that creating our own material (both my students and myself) is highly valuable in multiple ways. We can use our own creativity to avoid copyright issues for the most part. For the elements which other creators' works are necessary, the accred...